July 2’s solar eclipse in Cancer may have you rethinking your living situation, Aries. Have you been thinking about getting out of the city or, alternately, heading somewhere more urban? Prepare yourself by reviewing your lease or mortgage, and check in with roommates and partners before making a final decision.
Lucky Jupiter is going to spend the majority of 2019 in your ninth house of expansion. Take every chance you get to expand your horizons. Jupiter lends you luck for international travel in particular, if you prefer learning through new experiences. If expanding your mind closer to home is more attractive to you, consider your options for higher learning. Either way, invest in yourself — you'll find opportunities for growth all year long. Mercury, your planetary ruler of health and work, will undergo three retrogrades this year. Instead of dwelling on what you shouldn't do during these periods, spend time looking for things you’ve lost, connecting with old friends, and double-checking your work. Neptune, the planet of dreams, will inhabit your 12th house of spirituality and unconscious thoughts all year — don’t forget to listen to your inner self.
Are you ready for some seriously significant changes, Taurus? On March 7, Uranus, the planet of innovation, enters your sign for the next seven years! He is here to help you embrace your sense of creativity and inner rebel. You may feel as though your brain is rebooting, as Uranus amplifies your voice and brings your ambitions to the surface.
When it comes to your home life, pay attention to the lunar eclipse on January 20 or 21 (depending on where you live in the world). Surprises may arise. Thankfully, Venus and Jupiter will calm your nerves soon after with some financial help. If you need to borrow some cash, do your research before you take it while these two planets inhabit your eighth house. Your ninth house of growth, adventure, and intellect will be blessed with travel opportunities! Make time to broaden your horizons this year.
The moon, your financial planet, will undergo two eclipses this year — mark your calendars for January 21 and July 16. Lunar eclipses herald endings and finality, but, with every loss comes a new understanding of how to move forward, Gem. You can stay prepared for anything by accepting the fact of change.
Jupiter, your personal planet of love, started moving into your seventh house of relationships in late 2018. He’s here to imbue your closest relationships with luck, meaning your current relationships could hit some major milestones in 2019. If romance isn’t on your mind, this fortuitous placement could lead you to enter into some fantastic partnerships, in business or art. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is up to his usual tricks in 2019. He's hitting three retrogrades on the following dates: March 5 to 28, July 7 to 31, and October 31 to November 20. Don’t push yourself too hard during these periods. Instead, they'll be beautiful opportunities to reconnect with your past, review old ideas, and ground yourself.
Ready to glow? Jupiter, the planet of happy coincidences and fortune, is spending 2019 in your fifth house of pleasure! Uranus, the planet of change, makes a major move on March 7, sliding into Taurus and your 10th house of career for the next seven years. This period will see you reaching your goals, but they won't be without their ups and downs. Take each lesson in stride and stay the course, dear Leo.
We’ve got three solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses coming up this year, which will all encourage change in different areas of your life. Eclipses tend to hit you harder than most signs, since your ruling planet, the sun, doesn't like to have his light hidden! Brace yourself for the lunar eclipse in your sign on January 20 or 21 (the timing will depend on where you are), which will signal that it’s time for you to evolve beyond an old version of yourself and determine how you want to present yourself to the world now. July 16’s lunar eclipse in Capricorn will help you tackle obstacles at work that no longer need to be your problem.
Are you ready to get comfortable, Virgo? Jupiter will inhabit your fourth house of home and family for almost all of 2019. But the planet of luck and expansion won't be alone in making this an advantageous year for your home life — your planet of pleasure, Saturn, is entering your fifth house of entertainment and love, ensuring that 2019 heralds harmony in your living space. How's that for domestic mojo?
Venus, your personal planet of finances, is moving at full speed throughout 2019, without a retrograde in sight. Her direct motion aside, Venus' activity may make it harder for you to keep your attention on one subject when thinking about your spending and saving. At the end of the year, on December 27th, Jupiter will join Saturn in your fifth house of love and pleasure.
In 2019, Jupiter bestows his luck upon your third house of communication. He'll sharpen your wit andoffer you more opportunities to take weekend getaways. Make this the year that you finally explore your neighboring cities and nature. Plan camping trips, hikes, and quick jaunts to cure any bouts of wanderlust! On March 7, Uranus, the planet of innovation and change, moves from your seventh house of relationships into your eighth house of regeneration and sex. The next seven years will involve experimentation of all kinds when it comes to matters of death, taxes, and rebirth.
Pay close attention to your work life when 2019's lunar eclipses come around, Libra. Your career planet is, after all, the moon, and its eclipses will likely reveal new information about how you can best succeed.
In 2019, your primary focus will be on verbal and written interactions, Scorp. Your ruling planet, Pluto, has been in close collaboration with Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, from their positions in your third house of communication. These two planets are working together to help you fine-tune your approach to generating and seeking out opportunities. If you’re a quieter person, applying your strategic nature to your words may feel easier than before.
Jupiter, the planet of luck, will inhabit your second house of value and possessions until December 2. If your goal is to create a comfortable financial future for yourself, throw your weight and your words behind it — any moves you make during this year will be beneficial.
Are you ready for the time of your life, Sagittarius? Your ruling planet, Jupiter, moved into your sign in early November 2018 and will stay there until early December 2019. The luckiest planet of the solar system will help you to get back to what you love doing most: traveling and learning!
On March 7, Uranus will be changing houses, from your fifth house of pleasure to your sixth house of health. The planet of change and innovation only makes this sort of move every seven years, so prepare to feel a long-term shift. Sags in particular will experience transformations in their health and work sectors. You'll be firing from all cylinders — and have the rewards to show for it.
This new year will be all about being the most honest version of yourself, Capricorn. Saturn, the planet of rules and regulations as well as your ruling planet, will remain in your sign for the rest of 2019. The ringed planet will encourage you boldly express both the positive and negative qualities associated with your sign. Remember that it’s all about balance — striving for perfection is a nice idea, but it’s also an excellent reminder to be comfortable with our prickly areas. Being aware of them helps us control them.
On March 7, Uranus, your personal planet of money will be moving from your fourth house of home and family to your fifth house of creativity, true love, and children. This movement will bring its challenges (and a few unexpected shifts, no doubt), but ultimately, you’ll come out on top and stronger, Cap!
Your ruling planet, Uranus, is making a big move this spring, Aquarius. On March 7, he will move from your third house of communication to your fourth house of home and family. The past seven years have focused on changing how you speak and present your ideas to others. The next seven will reorganize your living situation, as well as relationships with your family members. You may become more observant of the people around you and what makes them tick as you ride these waves of change.
Speaking of how you relate to others, Jupiter entered your 11th house in late 2018 and will stay here until early December 2019. The planet of luck will help you make new friends, encourage you to strengthen your existing relationships, and lead you to join new communities.
If 2018 treated you like a workhorse, you’re finally going to see the fruits of your labor, Pisces! Jupiter, your career planet, is in Sagittarius and your 10th house of social standing and honors until early December.
On March 7, Uranus will move out of your second house of finances and into your third house of communication. You may have noticed that getting in control of your spending was a bit of challenge over the last seven years. You’ve conquered this period of your life so that you can move forward toward prosperity. The change-making planet will now ask you to fine-tune the way you speak, write, and travel.
2019 Horoscope
Reviewed by @NewsFollow
February 02, 2019
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